Evening everyone, hope you're all well, sorry about the delay in posts but I've been off saving lives and delivering babies and all that jazz.
Thought I'd chat about my hair a bit tonight. You thought Rapunzel had issues…. well my hair is truly Tangled (that's right, the Princess puns are on form this evening). My hair has always been extremely knotty, my hair is fairly thick but according to my hairdresser the strands of my hair are fine, which is what makes it such a hot mess.
1). Under no circumstances is it safe to fall asleep with your hair down…
Unless you enjoy spending 40 minutes detangling your hair in the shower with a bucket of conditioner, you'd better get used to sleeping with a hairband digging in your head. I'm lazy and I hoard hairbands and bobby pins and keep them in little piles under my pillow. That way, I don't have to get out of bed once I'm cosy and I don't have to fear being strangled by my own locks.
2). You'll spend your life savings on conditioner…
I'm going to be upfront and just say, there's no way around this. Tangled hair needs conditioner, good conditioner. Trust me, it knows when it's the cheap stuff. I use Herbal Essences Bee Strong and it's pretty good, but there are loads of great brands out there. But on the bright side you become that elusive person that finishes their conditioner at the same time as their shampoo.
3). You can't walk near a normal hairbrush…
If I even breathe next to a regular hairbrush, I can practically feel the mats forming in my hair. The only way forward is a wide-toothed comb or a Tangle Teezer.
4). It's impossible to leave the house without a comb in your bag…
It's simple, outside there is wind and rain and sun and people walking to close to you, and all of these send my hair shrieking into knots. Unless you fancy walking around with frizzy hair stuck to your face, for hours, you'd better invest in a comb to keep in every handbag, coat, cardigan and pair of pants you own.
5). Your Mum is forever pulling inches of hair out of your Tangle Teezer…
My Mum's pet peeve, she thinks it's laziness, what she doesn't realise is that's probably only 48 hours worth of hair loss. Which leads very nicely onto my next point...
6). You can't wear black, or hug people, or walk into a room or sneeze without 50 strands of hair erupting from your scalp…
My hair simply falls out at any given opportunity and just to throw a spanner in the works, my hair has always been blonde. My hair nowadays is extremely blonde. Unfortunately, despite my efforts, blonde hair shows up on everything. That means that people are forever picking hair off my back (or in the underarms of my coats, does anyone else get this?) and finding it in awkward places: for example on their own heads, in the drainer and in the freezer.
7). Wearing a scarf or a high-necked jumper is a recipe for disaster…
There's still part of me that doesn't understand how having my hair resting against the material of a scarf results in it having brillo pad like texture, but it most definitely is a significant problem in my life.
8). "Air-drying" your hair is impossible…
Simple, if you don't slather your hair in oils and treatments (L'Oreal Extraordinary Oil is my lifesaver) and blow dry it within an inch of its life, you'll never ever get those knots out, they'll just be a permanent fixture for life. But it does seem kind of stupid when you spend a lifetime blowdrying your hair, only to put it up an hour later when you go to sleep… first world problems and all that.
Anyone with any tips and tricks or amazing product recommendations, let me know down below or on my instagram: @captivatestyle.
Love you, N x
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