Return of the white jeans...

Evening all, apologise for the lack of posts as always. I am queuing posts this weekend to try and catch up, but midwifery as per is taking up most of my time!

Just a quick one this evening. I've finally re-invested in a pair of white jeans. I'm not going to lie to you,   I never fell out of love with white jeans. But that may be due to the fact that I'm stuck in my year 10 days. I've been looking for some for a little while, since I saw a look from Inthefrow (my favourite blogger). She paired a cute baby pink cropped jumper with white jeans and it just looked so chic and summery.

I originally tried on some "high waisted" white jeans in Primark, but they were about a foot too long for me. Even when I tried to make them roll-up Mom style jeans my ankles were just drowning in excess denim. So… I passed up the Primark bargains (for the first time ever).

I eventually found my perfect jeans from Matalan, they were £16 and I had a 20% of voucher so I was pretty pleased. They're still a little long for me so I roll them up a couple of inches, and it looks fine. I'm not sure if they're advertised as high-waisted but they're definitely high-waisted on me. The fit is really nice and they're so comfy. So have a look at today's outfit, and invest in a lint roller before you buy any white denim! Love N x

Duster coat = George
T-shirt = H&M basics
Pumps = Primark
White jeans = Matalan


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Nancy, 19. Maidstone/Essex. High street style and beauty blogger. Occasional vlogger. Twitter: @nancy_bowyer Personal instagram: nancyboww Official instagram: captivatestyle Enjoy x
